Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
Episode 17
Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
Greetings everyone! It's been a long time, but hopefully we will be able to be more steady again. Sometimes, life just gets in the way.
http://www.thelocal.de/sci-tech/20121228-47005.html#.UOcSMW_33ng - German calendar pairs nerdy gadgets and pretty girls
https://twitter.com/InMyOwnDreams/status/338875192971509760/photo/1 - Tattoo picture
Wednesday Nov 21, 2012
Episode 16
Wednesday Nov 21, 2012
Wednesday Nov 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving from OMGNAP! Well, at least from Dreams. :-) Jeppy doesn’t have Thanksgiving. This is an absolutely wonderful time of year, and it was so much fun to get the opportunity to record this episode. We are going to make an attempt to make more regular recordings again, but living so far away from one another and in two completely different time zones, sometimes it just doesn’t match up when dealing with Dreams’ work schedule. We will do our best, however, to make it into your Stitcher or iTunes ASAP. We’re having to fight Dreams’ ISP, as well, as it slows down far too often and causes the recordings to sound icky. Darned thing! Below are the news articles we looked at this recording, in case you’d like to take a glance and see what we’re seeing. Whether or not you are in the U.S. celebrating our holiday centered around thankfulness, we hope that you are having a wonderful week. See you again soon! http://www.10news.com/news/shopper-lines-up-for-black-friday-1-week-early http://www.10news.com/news/local-shopper-finds-new-place-to-line-up-for-black-friday-sales http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/15/worlds-biggest-liar_n_2135971.html http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/15/15187964-as-thanksgiving-nears-frankenturkey-attacks-in-connecticut?lite#__utma=238145375.1140115235.1334424373.1346596295.1353123268.11&__utmb=238145375.1.10.1353123268&__utmc=238145375&__utmx=-&__utmz=238145375.1343939215.9.9.utmcsr=fark.com|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/&__utmv=238145375.|8=Earned%20By=msnbc%7Cus%20news%7Cweird%20news=1^12=Landing%20Content=Mixed=1^13=Landing%20Hostname=www.msnbc.msn.com=1^30=Visit%20Type%20to%20Content=Earned%20to%20Mixed=1&__utmk=168968674 http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2012/11/16/165269866/pig-genome-project-may-pave-the-way-for-better-bacon?ft=1&f=1001 http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/358383/That-doesn-t-look-very-stable-Ten-horses-found-crammed-into-van http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/10/05/boy-with-fatal-disease-becomes-permanent-member-boston-college-football-team/# http://www.bc.edu/content/bc/publications/chronicle/FeaturesNewsTopstories/2012/topstories/jbharvey100412.html
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Episode 15
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
This. Was. The. Best. Ever. Episode. To. Edit! I totally shouldn’t have waited as long as I did, but life will do as it will. It only proves how awesome of a guest Cypher was. :-) He totally rocked, and I sincerely hope he is willing to join us again, despite some of the stink bomb articles I chose this time around. Heh. This was originally recorded around September 2, so Jeppy’s anniversary was near the beginning of the month. Happy belated anniversary, Jeppy! Again! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48762424/ns/local_news-milwaukee_wi/t/drought-leads-shortage-cow-chips-annual-festival/#.UENtyNYgrnh http://www.bestrestroom.com/us/ http://foodbeast.com/content/2012/08/31/seattles-best-to-start-serving-a-bacon-coffee-because-this-is-america/ http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/08/400-pound_gorilla_statue_retur.html http://www.mandatory.com/2012/08/31/this-weeks-20-inappropriately-hilarious-tweets/ http://newsoftheweird.com/archive/index.html - “Overdose of evidence”, Ridiculous lawsuit http://www.shortlist.com/instant-improver/food/chocolate-eclair-hotdog http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/08/30/8-year-old-message-in-bottle-sets-world-record/ http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/08/28/german-man-suspected-blowing-up-daughter-boyfriend/?intcmp=obinsite
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Episode 14
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
I have two apologies to make - both for the noise behind the recording (I couldn’t figure out how to remove it no matter how hard I tried) and for the length of time it took me to get this out! We recorded on August 22, so this took a bit over a month. I do sincerely apologize. Life sometimes tends to take me by the horns, and it makes it a little more difficult even to do those things I love most. (For example, I’ve hardly played WoW, either. It’s terrible!) However, despite the time it took to get this out, it is no less wonderful to have recorded with Pixiegirl! Both Jeppy and I were super excited, and she was a simply wonderful guest. Without further ado... here’s episode 14. :-) http://www.newser.com/story/151883/bill-gates-latest-buy-fake-poop.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9485807/Baldness-cure-could-be-on-shelves-in-two-years.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2189880/Bookies-staff-use-STAPLER-chase-knife-wielding-robber-betting-shop.html http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/08/18/drunk-half-naked-lab-worker-arrested-after-allegedly-partying-with-monkeys/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19289230 - Doc still charging $5 a visit
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Episode 13
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Greetings OMGNAPers! Jeppy and I just had an absolute blast with our guest this week. We both want to thank Hypknotoad immensely for joining us! We have been posting episodes much more often recently, and despite the fact that Dreams will begin working again soon, we hope that we can continue the consistency. We will still be trying for as close to a weekly posting as we can get. News just keeps coming, after all, so there is never a shortage of material or conversation. Don’t forget that you can find us on Twitter. @OMGNAP for the podcast news, @eljeppy for Jeppy, and @inmyowndreams for Dreams. We are also available on Podbean, Stitcher, and in the iTunes store. :-) This show's articles: http://web.orange.co.uk/article/quirkies/i_love_poo http://www.poopreport.com/ http://www.610wiod.com/cc-common/news/sections/newsarticle.html?feed=104673&article=10330120 Man arrested after calling 9-1-1 to ask for a beer delivery http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/sunnews/canada/archives/2012/08/20120808-215507.html Pillow Fort http://news.yahoo.com/pittsburgh-area-man-put-ashes-bowling-ball-140004197.html?_esi=1 http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/08/us/bag-mishandled/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Bomb at guard desk for several weeks http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2185945/Runway-clear-clothes--Vietnamese-passenger-airliner-fined-hosting-mid-air-beauty-pageant-scantily-clad-Hawaiian-dancers.html (heartwarming) http://bangordailynews.com/2012/08/08/news/bangor/orono-boys-16-save-swimmers-swept-away-in-stillwater-river-current/ http://ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/38167 This is the source for the intro and outtro background music.
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Episode 12
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Greetings! Thank you so much for listening to another episode of Oh My Goodness, Not Another Podcast! This week was a very exciting week, as there were two guests - one whom has known me since I was around fifteen (poor man, I know), and another whom is one of my favorite voices ever. Eszrah and Tinock! Unfortunately, Jeppy was unable to make this episode, though he did try. He sent bum squeezes and hugs to the guests, and hellos to the listeners. (If you all behave yourselves, you might just get some bum squeezes, as well. But that would be to his discretion.) We got through more stories today than we usually do, but that’s awesome! Here are the links: http://www.wdbo.com/videos/news/weird-news/dog-feces-thrown-in-neighborly-fight/vczYf/ http://www.kdhnews.com/news/story.aspx?s=68271 (From my home town - striking her boyfriend wtih a stripper pole) http://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/Police-Pa-man-stole-kitchen-utensils-small-dog-3753520.php http://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/Teddy-bears-drop-in-bring-down-2-Belarus-generals-3753606.php http://www.nwfdailynews.com/articles/girl-51200-aid-victim.html (Fight over... Kool-Aid?) http://nj1015.com/how-much-are-you-willing-to-pay-for-a-night-out-audio/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/02/christopher-meusburger-minnesota-man-threatened-neighbor-sword-mistreated-book_n_1733016.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news http://content.usatoday.com/communities/ondeadline/post/2012/07/divorced-50-years-ago-85-year-old-couple-to-remarry/1#.UBr-XU0grng http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/snoop-no-longer-a-dogg-now-a-lion/story-e6frea6u-1226439599529 (The Pi Pies mentioned by Tinock) @RosannaPansino - twitpic.com/aepii1 http://ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/38167 This is the source for the intro and outtro background music.
Thursday Aug 02, 2012
Episode 11 (Again)
Thursday Aug 02, 2012
Thursday Aug 02, 2012
(This episode is a repeat, some may already have listened. I actually fixed some issues, and hopefully it will run smoothly on iTunes again. I do apologize for the inconvenience! But I did want to get it fixed ASAP.) Hello! Welcome to another episode of OMGNAP. :-) This episode we have a pair of Aussies using the names Melindria and ForteTwo, and we have the illustrious Jeppy. (We have Jeppy for the second in a row - shhhh, don’t say anything! It might jinx it!) We did have to schedule between three different time zones this time, so I was a little groggy - hehe. That’s ok! It only adds to the amusement, I swear. >.< As always, here are the links to the news articles we covered today. I am afraid that I do not have links for the rabbit trails, but that’s quite alright, we enjoy following them. http://www.newser.com/story/74701/what-she-always-wanted-reindeer-dung-necklace.html http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/aisle_of_man_hyD0HOaHHrn434YzfM5CTP#.UBFOfuO-eOA.email (Sent by Kithore) http://au.news.yahoo.com/vic/latest/a/-/latest/14375957/bungling-bandit-gets-stuck-in-restaurant-window/ (Burger King vs. Hungry Jack’s)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burger_King_Corporation_v_Hungry_Jack's http://www.wbtv.com/story/18146920/man-jumps-through-mcdonalds-drive-thru-in-attempt-to-get-food http://www.news.com.au/weird-true-freaky/love-is-not-only-blind-it-also-makes-you-stupid-uk-research-claims/story-e6frflri-1226397515433 http://www.news.com.au/weird-true-freaky/seriously-pricey-pooch-wedding-ceremony-is-no-joke/story-e6frflri-1226425361363 (heartwarming) http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/07/new-york-man-catches-girl-falling-from-window/ http://ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/38167 This is the source for the intro and outtro background music.
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Episode 10
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Oh My Goodness! We made the 10th episode! I’m so, so happy to reach this milestone. There have been blips and technical difficulties along the way, but we are here! For this epic episode, I am joined by Jeppy and Juuno - two of my favorite co-hosts. We have a lot of fun, and in honor of the milestone, this episode is 2 hours long. (!!!!) I didn’t actually intend it to turn out that way, but we were having so much fun, I just didn’t stop us until we all had to go do other things. :-) ALSO, you will notice that the podcast has a brand new intro! I believe the music used in it is awesome and exactly what I was looking for to start and end the podcast - along with a few of the listeners piping in with the name of the cast, of course. I found the music at the following link - check out the artist. He seems very talented. http://ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/38167 I hope that you have a wonderful week, that I can bring you another episode next week, and that the technical difficulties have been resolved. Woot! (Speaking of technical difficulties, I have had some listeners who have let me know that the episode randomly jumps when listening on their mobile devices - changing to another episode in the middle. I have tried to track down this problem myself, and I can’t figure it out! I edited this episode very minimally in an attempt to fix it. I have it down to one of two things. I didn’t use one of them this time - if this episode works, I know that was the problem. If it still gives the listeners trouble, I’ll try taking out the other thing instead. We’ll track it down! Thank you so much for listening despite the issues! Listening on the computer or online doesn’t seem to be an issue. I am able to listen from iTunes directly without a problem, and I am able to listen through both Stitcher and Podbean without a problem.) Website Resource Links for this Episode: http://www.newser.com/story/130358/toto-toilet-bike-neo-powered-by-poop-will-tour-japan.html http://blogs.babble.com/strollerderby/2012/07/12/judging-a-book-by-its-cover-a-6-year-old-guesses-what-classic-novels-are-all-about/#one-flew-over-the-cuckoos-nest https://twitter.com/DumbestLaws http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/oh-mr-darcy-pride-and-prejudice-among-classic-novels-to-receive-erotic-makeover-7946364.html http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/27/boy-finds-decades-old-photo-dead-uncle-inside-camera-at-yard-sale/?cmpid=cmty_%7BlinkBack%7D_Boy_finds_decades-old_photo_of_dead_uncle_inside_camera_at_yard_sale
Saturday Jun 30, 2012
Episode 9
Saturday Jun 30, 2012
Saturday Jun 30, 2012
Goodness, the technical difficulties were flying this episode! We had 9 recordings. (9!!!) So, as a result, some of it may seem a bit non-linear. I didn’t leave in all of the conversations in between, just a couple that were particularly amusing for one reason or another before we started again. My co-host this week was Ashayo! Goodness, I had so much fun recording with him, despite the internet difficulties, and he was very patient with my crazy connection problems. We worked through them all, disconnected and reconnected repeatedly, and had to double check that the program was recording so many times that it nearly made my head spin, but it was all worth it. I think each episode just keeps getting easier and easier for me to record and edit. (Which is good for you, the listener, because it means I get things out more often. Yay!) Upcoming is a bit of a vacation for me - I’ll be away from the household for two weekends, and since my recording software is on my desktop, it’s unlikely I’ll be able to record during my absence. As such, it’ll be a bit before we have another recording of OMGNAP, but hopefully we can get that arranged soon for the 10th episode. I also highly intend to have the intro (and maybe even an outtro?) ready by that point, so it is not quite so abrupt a beginning and ending. I hope you enjoy! As always, here are the links to the stories we covered this time: http://blogs.tcpalm.com/off_the_beat_will_greenlee_blog/2012/06/a-54-year-old-man-was-arrested.html - Man arrested for threatening to beat a neighbor, but he had to poo first. http://www.freep.com/article/20120628/NEWS06/120628048/Michigan-adds-talking-urinal-cakes-in-DUI-fight?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE - Michigan has talking urinals to combat DUI ratings during the July 4th holiday. http://www.buzzfeed.com/shifty10322311/25-of-the-most-useless-expensive-and-awesome-ite-6dq6 - Expensive but awesome items to blow cash on. http://www.news1130.com/news/national/article/377974--hand-sanitizer-meant-to-kill-germs-recalled-due-to-bacterial-contamination - Hand sanitizer recall because it contains bacteria. http://www.wpbf.com/news/south-florida/Deputies-Man-denies-friend-a-cigarette-then-kills-him/-/8788880/15346742/-/x41u9rz/-/index.html - No, you can’t have a cigarette. And I’m going to shot you, too! Crazy. http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2012/06/new_jersey_woma.php - Woman suing 13 year old pitcher for accidentally hitting her with the ball. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2165491/So-men-arent-hard-wired-unfaithful-Study-claimed-men-promiscuous-nature-flawed.html - Men aren’t actually more wired toward promiscuity after all! http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/wreckage-air-force-plane-crashed-1952-52-people-aboard-found-alaska-glacier-article-1.1103769 - Many families will finally be able to seek closure after 60 years of uncertainty and wonder.
Wednesday Jun 20, 2012
Episode 8
Wednesday Jun 20, 2012
Wednesday Jun 20, 2012
It’s only been two weeks this time! That’s better, right? I did intend to record last weekend, but I was in the middle of moving and simply had not set up my computers yet. Come to find out that I did actually get it in time, but that’s alright. Next week the record time will change, as Sunday is my 12 year wedding anniversary with my husband, and my childrens’ birthday - they will be 8. I believe we’ll be focused on other things that day. I am hoping to still have a recording, however, Friday afternoon, Saturday, or Monday! We’ll see if anyone is willing to record with me. >.< I am still looking for recordings of people saying, “Oh My Goodness, Not Another Podcast!” I will start working on the mash-up intro this week, and am hoping to get a few more voices in there. :-) We can ALWAYS add more in the future, however, or make rotating ones, if you happen to send it in. I want to have it ready for Episode 10. This week I am again missing Juuno and Jeppy, but I do have Necronomicon (or Necrobob) as my guest host, and he’s an absolute blast. He’s been a performer, prop maker, magician, etc. in Las Vegas, Nevada and now in Macau, China. Just a great person to have on the show, and it was a ton of fun recording with him this week. :-) There were also little cameos of his absolutely lovely wife commenting in the background. Without further ado, here are the news articles we will be talking about this week. We hope you enjoy! http://news.discovery.com/tech/exchange-dog-poo-for-free-wi-fi-120425.html - An incentive for citizens of Mexico City to clean up the poo their dogs make in the park http://tucsoncitizen.com/usa-today-news/2012/06/11/dna-test-fingers-who-left-behind-the-dog-poo/ - DNA testing of dog poo... isn’t that going a bit far? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2012/06/01/state/n080049D54.DTL - Discarded wrappers used to track thieves http://www.mandatory.com/2012/05/31/51-of-the-funniest-tweets-you-will-ever-read/#page=1 - 51 funniest tweets of all time http://boston.cbslocal.com/2012/05/31/stow-man-catches-fire-after-applying-sunscreen/ - Be careful with spray can sunscreen around charcoal. Just sayin’. http://blog.sfgate.com/incontracosta/2012/06/01/suspect-uses-personal-safeway-club-card-to-purchase-items-with-stolen-credit-card/ - When you steal a person’s credit card, it isn’t all that smart to use your personal discount card once you finally use it. http://www.azcentral.com/community/phoenix/articles/2012/06/02/20120602PNI0602-met-phoenix-baby-left-on-car-roof-mom-arrested-brk.html - Mother arrested after getting high on marijuana, then leaving her baby on the top of her car as she drove off. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-18292846 - A man proposes to a cow fanatic with a cow as his wingman.